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Posted By Jun - SuboxoneDoctor.com Team on 10/16/2018 in Opioid Treatment

The Dangers of Mixing Suboxone with Alcohol, Cocaine and other Drugs

The Dangers of Mixing Suboxone with Alcohol, Cocaine and other Drugs

Suboxone has gained traction in the past decade for its effectiveness in curbing the withdrawal symptoms of Heroin, Oxycodone and other opioids. Although, there is no question that it has helped many patients evade the clutches of opioid dependencies, its use is not without risks.

Scientific studies have warned about the long-term effects of Suboxone on the human body. From nausea to intense bouts of depression and anxiety, the side-effects of this medication are no secret. However, there are also more immediate threats posed by Suboxone, when used inappropriately.

According to SAMSHA, around 30,000 patients were relegated to hospital beds due to Buprenorphine-related overdoses. A big percentage of these visits occurred due to the mixing of Buprenorphine with some other harmful drug.

Suboxone, without a doubt, has its benefits, but understanding its appropriate use to deter the outbreak of complications holds paramount significance.

The Working of Suboxone

Buprenorphine and Naloxone, the two ingredients of Suboxone, fulfill the desire for other opioids without causing a “high”. Buprenorphine’s functionality as a partial opioid agonist makes the receptors inside our brain inaccessible to harmful opioid molecules, which keeps the user sober and alleviates withdrawal symptoms.

Buprenorphine coaxes the brain into thinking that it has in fact taken a complete dose of Heroin or some other opioid, when in actuality, it hasn’t. Naloxone, on the other hand, blocks the opioid receptors in the central nervous system, preventing euphoric feelings.  

In the end, Suboxone is technically an opiate. Taking it with other drugs, like Alcohol, can have fatal implications. The use of the following drugs is strongly prohibited if you are on a course of Suboxone.

Harmful Interactions of Buprenorphine (Suboxone) with Other Drugs

Benzodiazepines (“Benzos”)

Xalax, Klonopin, and Valium fall under the umbrella of Benzodiazepines. They are prescribed to treat insomnia and anxiety. Their main function is to numb the central nervous system, which in turn leads to depressed respiration and low blood pressure. Buprenorphine already has these effects on the human body. If taken along with a benzadiopine, the effects can quadruple and lead to respiratory failure, unconsciousness and in severe cases, death.


Coupling cocaine with Suboxone can lead to counteracting effects on the human body. Cocaine is a stimulant and can significantly lower the amount of Buprenorphine in the body, reducing its effectiveness in the process. This can cause disconcerting opioid withdrawal symptoms to manifest themselves. Also, the intake of Cocaine with suboxone also increases the risk of cocaine overdose. Suboxone, being a mild depressant, fools the user’s body into thinking that it can survive a higher dose of Cocaine, even though it clearly can’t.


Alcohol, like Benzodiazepines, falls in the category of depressants. Alcohol is liberally used throughout the globe. That is why it poses a grave danger. A Suboxone user might not even consider the complications that can result due to drinking alcohol. Due to this naivety or unawareness, he might take Suboxone with Alcohol and land himself in dire trouble.