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Posted By Jun - SuboxoneDoctor.com Team on 11/12/2021 in Opioid Treatment

Signs A Loved One Is Hiding An Addiction To Heroin Or Painkillers

Signs A Loved One Is Hiding An Addiction To Heroin Or Painkillers

The opioid epidemic has given many families a crash course into what fighting addiction consists of and takes to battle. As alarming as this issue is, it can be difficult to determine if a loved one is suffering or in danger of suffering from addiction. Which, in turn, makes finding help for them that much more difficult. So, what are some of the signs that you should look out for?

Most Common Addiction Signs 

One of the most common signs that someone may be hiding an addiction is excessive drug-seeking behavior. This can include spending money to support their habit, doing things that are out of their character for the purpose of procuring drugs, or even stealing from family members.

People struggling with addiction are not beyond being deceitful to get what they want. They may lie about where they have been, who they have been hanging out with, or what activities they have engaged in when you ask them about it.  They could also be secretive about how much time is spent alone or on personal phone calls.

Another common sign of addiction is experiencing an increase in physical complaints like aches and pains, nausea, fatigue, and other unexplained symptoms that don't respond to treatment. This symptom comes together with sleeping too much or too little. A shortlist of other signs to be mindful of are:

-        Erratic or unusual behavior changes

-        Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

-        Inability to account for large amounts of time

-        Isolating themselves from family and friends  

Some signs that addiction has been going on for a long period of time are:  Being disinterested in activities that once were pleasurable, neglecting their personal appearance, lack of attention towards grooming and academic performance. Not having money to pay basic expenses, not being able to account for a lot of cash, and borrowing money constantly from friends or family members without being able to repay it back.  If any of these apply, you should seek assistance as soon as possible. If the individual is actively abusing heroin or opiates, they may not be able to wait.

How To Ask Your Loved One If They Need Help

If you notice any of these signs in a family member, loved one, or friend it is important that you approach them about the problem without being accusatory or judgmental. This can be difficult because addiction has a stigma surrounding it and sometimes, loved ones will feel ashamed to admit their battle with substance abuse.

To avoid putting them on the defensive, offer support instead of criticism. You should say something like "I care about you and want to know what's going on so I can support you." It is also important that you are prepared for their response so have some ideas in mind of where they could seek professional help. Any suggestions should be based on their specific wants and needs.

How To Get Your Loved One Into Recovery

The first step towards getting someone into drug rehab is talking to them about combatting their addiction. If you are not able to have that conversation yourself, it's important that you don't leave the matter up to chance. Find professional interventionists who specialize in having these types of difficult conversations with people who are reluctant to seek help for themselves or someone they love so that they can offer support during this difficult time. This specialist will also give you suggestions of options available for treatment as well as places where someone can find additional information on what other steps should be taken before entering a residential program.

What Is Suboxone And How Can It Help My Loved One?

Suboxone is a medicine that has been used to help people withdraw from opiate addiction for about 2 decades. It allows them to taper off their dependence on opioids without experiencing the common symptoms associated with detoxing. This makes it easier for someone to make the transition into recovery.

Why Is Suboxone So Effective At Treating Heroin Addiction?

Suboxone is a combination of the opioid’s buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist which basically means it has a ceiling effect meaning that there isn't a 'high' associated with taking more than the prescribed amount.  Naloxone on the other hand is an opioid antagonist which means it will block any other opiate from exerting its effects, including painkillers or heroin.

When Suboxone is taken as instructed, it can help to eliminate cravings for heroin or any other opioid while allowing someone to live their life without having withdrawal symptoms get in the way.

How Do I Know If My Loved One Needs Suboxone?

As with any addiction, there are times where someone tries to quit or cut back on their drug use but have a difficult time doing so. This is especially true when they are experiencing withdrawal symptoms that prevent them from being able to function normally.

If you notice your loved one struggling with opioid addiction, then Suboxone may be the right treatment option for them. Remember that it is not an instant fix, but rather an aid during the recovery process.  Suboxone allows someone who has been abusing heroin or painkillers to work towards complete abstinence without completely stopping them in their tracks and forcing them into detox. It will also help decrease cravings and may reduce the risk of relapse since it takes away some of the urges associated with opiate dependency.

How To Find A Suboxone Doctor

SuboxoneDoctor.com is a great directory of Suboxone providers throughout the country. The platform allows users to view providers near them, determine if they are accepting new patients, and search for additional information such as office hours and insurance coverage.