Suboxone, when combined with proper counseling, is changing many lives. A Suboxone doctor can cure a patient’s addiction to heroin and pain pills. Many patients take different addiction treatments, and the results are too slow. But with a Suboxone treatment, patients find a breakthrough quickly. Since the drug is important in curing addiction, we’re sharing top five Suboxone facts. But before you dive into them, let’s know what Suboxone is.
What’s Suboxone?
Suboxone is a medication that’s used in an opioid addiction treatment. The addiction to opioids is serious. This medical condition must be addressed immediately with an effective medication. And when it comes to treating addictions, Suboxone is your best bet. This drug is used for reducing a patient’s withdrawal symptoms and cravings. As far as its composition goes, this drug contains buprenorphine and naloxone. Both of them successfully block an opioid’s effects. The drug is administered in two parts. Due to its high success rate, Suboxone is used by many opioid treatment clinics.
Now that you know what Suboxone is and why is it used, let’s cover its facts.
Fact 1: Suboxone is always administered by professionals
Patients beginning an opiate addiction treatment with Suboxone should see a medical professional. Many patients have got rid of their addictions and managed their withdrawal symptoms this way only. A Suboxone treatment can have the best results when it’s combined with behavioral counseling for patients. Sometimes, these counseling sessions are even given to a patient’s friends and family members.
Fact 2: Suboxone is still evolving as a treatment drug
Suboxone is relatively new to curing drug addiction. In 2003, an American addiction treatment program adopted this drug for the first time. Now, this drug is used by many psychologists and doctors who believe that it’s the best medication for their patients. Many opioid treatment centers use Suboxone for improving the healing process.
Fact 3: This drug is easy to use
Many patients face difficulties while following old addiction treatment programs. But Suboxone is unlike any other medication program because it’s easy to use. So if you want a short road to recovery, then pick an opioid addiction treatment with Suboxone. The recovery process that uses this drug differs from person to person as everyone’s body chemistry is different. Overall, a Suboxone treatment makes recovery fast and easy.
Fact 4: Suboxone has gained the trust of doctors and patients alike
Many medical facilities are adopting Suboxone to treat addictions. And this adoption rate will only rise because this drug has delivered positive results by making recovery quick and easy. The patients who take this prescribed drug have often experienced positive changes in their lives. And because the patients experience these changes in short order, they easily move beyond their plagued past to make a fresh start. That is why Suboxone is becoming a favorite of many doctors and patients.
Fact 5: The side effects of Suboxone
Although Suboxone is effective to let addicts be on the fast track of recovery, it has its side effects—just like any other drug. Respiratory depression is one of the most common side effects of this drug. Suboxone can cause slow or shallow breathing because the drug is one of the partial opioid agonists. And if you experience respiratory depression during the treatment, seek medical help then and there. Other side effects of the drug may include sweating, headache, numb mouth, fainting, painful tongue, constipation, nausea, irregular heartbeat, insomnia, blurry vision, drowsiness, back pain, and vomiting.
With these facts in mind, it’s clear that there’s a hope for those who want to manage opioid dependence. That means addiction is curable when Suboxone is used with a complete treatment program that includes psychological support and counseling.